Tailwheel Training
Journeys offers tailwheel transition training and tailwheel endorsements in a
2009 7ECA Citabria N501EL
Tailwheel Training can be both challenging, very rewarding, and a coveted log book endorsement.
Journeys Aviation has several experienced tailwheel instructors who are willing to work with you to learn the skills necessary to master handling a tailwheel aircraft.
To earn a tailwheel endorsement, you'll need to demonstrate proficiency in normal and crosswind takeoffs and landings, wheel landings, and go-arounds in accordance with 14 CFR 61.31(i). Typically, this takes 20 to 60 landings across 4 to 10 lessons.
Please call the Journeys front desk to arrange for your tailwheel training experience. 303-449-4210
Journeys Aviation has several experienced tailwheel instructors who are willing to work with you to learn the skills necessary to master handling a tailwheel aircraft.
To earn a tailwheel endorsement, you'll need to demonstrate proficiency in normal and crosswind takeoffs and landings, wheel landings, and go-arounds in accordance with 14 CFR 61.31(i). Typically, this takes 20 to 60 landings across 4 to 10 lessons.
Please call the Journeys front desk to arrange for your tailwheel training experience. 303-449-4210